Pope Pizza Peal
What to get your Dad for Father’s Day can be a tricky question. Socks? An axe… what’s that? You got him an axe last year? Hmm… how about a custom pizza peel?
I love pizza
I love my Dad
Father’s Day 2017

Many toppings, one crust.
Many family members, one family.
Before I began the project a thought occurred to me: all pizzas share the same crust. I know there are other kinds of crusts out there – deep-dish, Neapolitan, Sicilian, NY, we can go on for days, but for the sake of the metaphor, within a family of pizza, they share a style of crust. Now we all know how many ways different ways there are to dress a pizza. Personally, I love rucola bianca, which is an olive oil topped pizza (no marinara), with arugula, prosciutto, and some freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. I’m salivating just writing this down. Curiously, when I asked every member of this side of the family what their favorite pizza pie is, they each came back with a different answer.
In that same vein of thinking, all of us in my family have the last name Pope. We share a crust, if you will, but all of our personalities differ. We have different toppings. Taking that metaphor to it’s extreme, I set about making a pizza peel for the newly constructed pizza oven my dad and I had built. A different crest for each member of the family, featuring their personal favorite toppings, and above it all, using the symbolism of the Pope, the recipe for pizza dough.